Contact Me

If you have tips or techniques you want to share, please include the information in your post.  Include a URL if it applies, make sure you have copyright rights or you cite the source if you don’t.  And please include your email address so I can get back to you.

If you have questions about the freelance market, please ask and I will do my best to answer them or find resources who can.  Please make sure to include your email address in your comment so I can get back to you.

If you have freelance writing opportunities you think I can help with, please include information about the job, any issues or information I should know about the assignment and the deadline for delivery as well as your email address so I can get back to you.

 Cell phone – 610-620-5715
email –

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3 responses to “Contact Me

  1. Hello~ My name is Amy Simonson, and I’m a former maternity/L&D nurse. I’ve been writing fiction, essays, etc for the past 11 years. I also wrote educational copy for a medical brochures/pamphlets a couple of years ago. I’m currently working on a novel and a memoir r/t eating issues I’ve been dealing with for the past 20 years. :o/ I live in Morris County, NJ, I’m married, have 2 teenage girls, ONE Westie and a PBGV (a French hound). I have owned 2 Westies at once before, too. They’re wonderful little dogs. Anyway, with our nursing/writing/dog ownership commonalities I thought I’d reach out to you. I would like to add your blog to my blog roll, if you don’t mind. I’m just getting back into blogging, so I’m not getting much traffic yet, but I’m trolling the Internet and making connections all the time. Hopefully when others visit my blog they would check your’s out, too. I did appreciate reading Laura Roeder’s article on your blog re: copyright infringement issues when using images found on the Internet. A great article for someone like me who’s been out of the blogosphere for a while! Please let me know if you’re ok w/me adding a link on my blog to your’s. Thanks~ Amy

    • patsquared2

      So glad you stumbled on my blog….and happy to meet you! We do seem to share a whole lot of common elements, especially writing and Westies. Glad you got back on line, as well. Even if you only touch one life, it’s worth the effort to share what you know and have learned. I’d be proud to have my site linked to yours. Thanks Amy.

  2. Pingback: Want To Help Cook Up a Cookbook? | Write On Target

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