Monthly Archives: July 2009

When A Writer Runs Scared

Fear!  How is it possible that an experienced, mature writer can be struck by knee-knocking, palm sweating fear about submitting her writing?

It has struck me and struck me hard despite the fact that I have written for 30 years and been published that long, writing for magazines, papers, companies and venture capitalist.  My tween novel is done.  All the final edits came in from my proofreader and in the manuscript but it is still sitting on my desk.  The “why” is easy.

Rejection.  I don’t handle it well and this is a big opportunity for rejection — my first novel.

The query letter will be written today and the manuscript will be sent to the publisher of choice, tomorrow.  Wish me luck!


Filed under Copywriting, Writing About Horses

Blogging Is Easy…Or Is It?

Blogging…everybody is doing it but not all of us are good at it or persistent about it.

So what?

One thing you learn when you work for an Internet marketing company is that marketing — whatever form it takes — has to be done early and often and over and over again!    Blogging is a natural for marketing because anybody can set one up and almost all of us have opinions on or are passionate about something.

It turns out that setting up a blog is the easiest part of the whole process.  Know what’s the hardest?  Finding something to say after the first few weeks of impassioned posting.  At some point, even the most dedicated blogger will face the morning or moment when nothing is flying off her fingertips; the screen remains blank and so does her mind.

How do you overcome bloggers block?  If you blog on WordPress, you can take advantage of a neat little tool that helps you to capture stray thoughts and ideas and store them until just that moment when you finally have nothing to say.  Check out — a plug in that helps you save, sort and manage those ideas so they are ready when you are!

Then sit down at your keyboard with confidence and pump out your next blog.

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Filed under Copywriting, Writing for the Web