Monthly Archives: November 2013

Meditating with Oprah & Deepak Chopra

Like hundreds of thousands of other people, I signed up the Oprah’s 21 day Desire & Destiny meditation series.  She introduces each day; Deepak Chopra leads the meditations.

Like hundreds of thousands of people, I am having joyous moments of peace, eye-opening moments of realizing I am the only person holding me back and amazing moments of insight into who I really am and what really makes me smile.

One of the biggest things I have learned about myself is that what I really want (Day 8) is to live from my heart in peace and joy.

Yesterday, I learned that something that happened to me almost 20 years ago was real!

It was Day 12 – Inspired me – the me who steers from her heart.

While meditating a thought shot straight into my brain about an experience I had in 1996, also while meditating. I was deep in meditation when a voice, clear as a bell said, “Rescue me.”

It was so clear that I came up out of a very deep meditation, slipped out the side door of the house and walked the 2 acres we own, trying to find the bird, rabbit, kitten or dog that had called to me to rescue it.

There was no spirit out there in need of help but I took it to mean that I was to write about animal communicators.

I did tons of research but I was just not convinced that this phenomenon was real – that people could hear and talk to animals. And I put the idea away. Until yesterday.

I believe that I am to write a book entitled Rescue Me with an author who I met through her book, “Blessing the Bridge: What Animals Teach Us About Death, Dying and Beyond” a book that helps us ease the transition of our pets from here to the next plain.

I say I “met” the author, Rita Reynolds, but I didn’t really meet her for 6 years. During the first 6 years, we corresponded via email. Our friendship grew out of words flying through the ethernet.

Two years ago I met her and we were so very surprised at how alike we were, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She ran an animal rescue – saving old dogs, throwaways that people were tired of and didn’t want to support as they aged and died.

And yesterday, more than 15 years after I was called to “rescue”, I believe I discovered why Rita and I met, maybe just one of the many reasons we met. I believe we are to write a book about rescuing living spirits and helping them to finish their lives in comfort, in peace and surrounded by love.

Yesterday, because of Deepak and Oprah’s Desire & Destiny meditations, I didn’t hesitate. I sent her an email about the idea, right away!


Filed under arm wresting, Death & Dying, Gifts, Life & Death, Mysteries, Religion, Uncategorized, World Changing Ideas

Blunderkins© Is Coming To Town

Her name is Shirley Epstein, aka Blunderkins©.

She has a nose for bad news and an uncanny knack for diving into the middle of murder, mayhem and mystery.  Fair, fat, fertile and a bit over 40, Shirley is also pretty good at dragging her long time, ever patient, inventor husband, Bert, into the fray with her.

In Blunderkins© Saves The Baby, Shirley finds death and destruction right in her own back yard when her new and very rich neighbor starts dumping a liquid fertilizer into the pond he shares with the Espteins, something that turns the water red and his lawn an emerald green.

At the heart of this mystery is a stolen baby and a human trafficking ring. Shirley gets the facts but she also gets caught and is headed for the same fate as the other murder victims.

Bert saves the day (and his wife) with his techno-talon, a hidden, high-tech surveillance system and a GPS chip embedded in Shirley’s wedding band the day they got married.

The manuscript is in the final round of editing; the book will be on Amazon Kindle before you know it and Shirley and Bert have already embarked on their next murder mystery entitled Blunderkins© & The Bad Husband.

NOTE:  The word and character, Blunderkins©  are copyrighted and the exclusive property of Patricia and Pasquale Muccigrosso.  Copyright © 2013. All rights are reserved. This character and books named for this title character may not be reproduced or used in any manner, whatsoever.


Filed under Book Reviews, Copywriting, Freelance Writing, Love and Marriage, Mysteries, Publishing

Selfie: 2013’s word of the year –

Here’s how out of the loop I am…I actually had to look up “selfie” to see what it meant!

Of course, I have not posted a selfie…I haven’t even taken one.  But I do love the pictures that people share of themselves.  And I really love the openness the Internet has created.

I currently consider two women authors among my small (and I do mean small) circle of friends.  I emailed with Rita Reynolds for 6 years before I ever met her.  I Facebook with Crescent Dragonwagon, haven’t met her yet but love the person that she is.

Despite the geographical distance, these  two women have become as close as sisters.  That’s what I love about the technology we have available today.  Some people says it separates us; some say it’s dangerous.  I just think the Internet is like any other tool, the power it has depends on the hands and minds that are using it.

Think of Salman Kahn, founder of the Kahn Academy. Or consider Geoffrey Canada whose Harlem project turned a school, a neighborhood and a whole lot of lives around.  Consider our President, Barack Obama, who reaches out to a nation through technology unheard of by earlier administrations.

Selfies are a beautiful idea.  Who knows? Maybe, one day I will post one!

Selfie: 2013s word of the year –


Filed under Inspiring People, Mysteries, Uncategorized, World Changing Ideas