Tag Archives: Medicare

TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY-Let’s Start The Revolution

Where are all of you?

Where are the baby boomers who took this country by storm in the 60’s and 70’s – the activists who said no to war, no to discrimination, no to inequality?

We forced passage of the Civil Rights Amendment. We demanded equality for women and forced Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). We helped stop the Vietnam War and brought our young men home.


Now is the time to stand up again, to stop the wholesale destruction of the very laws and institutions that have made it possible for everyone to have a fair chance at a decent life.

Social Security – a program we have paid our hard-earned money into for more than 50 years, is under attack. Affordable health care for ALL citizens is being dismantled. Medicare and Medicaid are on the chopping block.

Funding for the arts, education, and the environment have been cut. The EPA, the National Park Service, and the USDA have officially been gagged – ordered not to communicate at all with the public either via social media or the press.

Step up to the plate, folks. This time, we aren’t fighting for ourselves; we are fighting for our sons and our daughters and our grandchildren.

The current disregard for the law, for the Constitution, for our rights as citizens of the United States signals the beginning of the end of America as we know it…unless we begin to fight back.

Do something as simple as joining the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) which has already filed suit against Donald Trump for his failure to disclose his finances and tax returns – a clear conflict of interest and a violation of Constitutional law.

Call your SenatorsCall your Representatives. Choose your battle – whether it’s education, the environment, equal rights under the law, Social Security, affordable health care. Have 1 or 2 points you want to make and make them. If you need scripts to help you get started, check out sites like Indivisible Austin.

Then call again, tomorrow and the next day and next week.

Fight back! Take just one step every week.

Let an activity like the women’s march on Washington be more than a moment; let it become a movement, to quote Cory Booker.

Don’t give in to your fear and frustration, to the sense of being overwhelmed. That’s how they will win. And we cannot let them win, not for our sake but for the sake of the generations following us.


Filed under Education, Inspiring People, Life & Death, Politics, Uncategorized, World Changing Ideas

America: The Land of Lay Offs

So, I’m guessing that just about everyone, everywhere knows at least one person who has been laid off in the last 24 months.

I know quite a few victims of  lay offs — my daughter, her best friend, our friend and neighbor Jim and now, my husband.  I was even laid off – a mutually reached decision as I was months away from turning 62 and turning on the Social Security faucet.  I thought I would have a little time to find another job.  Two and a half years later, I’m still looking.

A Brief Digression on Social Security
This is for  for those of you who think Social Security should…go away.  It’s also  for those of you who are considering the option of slipping peacefully out of the office and into retirement, early.

I have been working since I was 14 and paying into the Social Security fund for 50, that’s right, 50 years.  I paid for the privilege of collecting this small monthly payment so please don’t tell me I’m on the dole or taking a hand out.  If I am doing either, it is from me…to me.

Despite a long and financially draining relationship with FICA, what I get ain’t much.  This faucet only drips less than $20,000 a year — before taxes.  And when I get on Medicare next year, it will drip about $3000 a year less.

I don’t know many people who can actually pay their bills, eat and cover the costs of doctors and medicine on less than $12,000 a year but I worked for and earned the privilege of receiving this money, no matter how small the amount is.

Now, back to gainful unemployment which many of us are currently experiencing.

Of the 5 people mentioned above, not one of us was an underachiever.  Not one of us called in sick just because we could or took long breaks, missed deadlines or just held down the chair and picked up the pay check.

All of us brought the usual stuff to work – the skills,  talents,  and education needed to do each of our jobs, well.  But we also brought dedication, loyalty, passion and a true desire to do a good job not just one day, but every day.  Essentially, we worked for ourselves, for our satisfaction and for the joy of a job, well done.

So, why did we get the ax?  Who knows?

There are dozens of different reasons people lose their jobs. Companies have  “downturns” so downsizing has to happen.  Divisions are moving in a “different direction” and you won’t fit.  Your job is being eliminated so your services are no longer required.

Sometimes the reasons are a bit more personal.  Your personality clashes with your boss’s personality.  Perhaps your politics just don’t fit in with the politics of the organization.  Or, my favorite, the boss’s niece, nephew, grandmother, needs a job so they’re getting yours.

There are, of course real reasons to let someone go.  Employees that are consistently late or frequently absent can hurt the bottom line.  Employees who are belligerent or threatening can upset co-workers and worry managers.  And employees who just sit around all day, missing deadlines, smoking every 30 minutes and going to lunch for 2 hours every day affect productivity and morale.

But what happens when none of these reasons apply, when a good employee is cut from the herd and shown the door?  The reality is dramatic and painful. And no matter what anybody says, being terminated, fired, laid off, downsized is personal.  

Being unable to get another job is demoralizing.  I’m a Master’s prepared, professional with project management, training, leadership and human resource skills in my portfolio.  The only work I can get pays $83 a day — no benefits.  I even got turned down for employment at Lowe’s!

So, here’s my question.  When did America, the land of opportunity, become America, the land of lay offs?  Anyone have any answers to ease the pain of unemployment?


Filed under Budgeting, Life & Death, Saving Money, Work